
About HRSS

About Us



Human Right Support Society (HRSS), a Bangladesh-based human rights organization, was founded in 2014 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. It is a non-profitable, non-political, non-government, and voluntary organization. The aim of the organization is to propagate and disseminate, in general, the values of Human Rights as envisaged in the constitution of Bangladesh and other national and international treaties, conventions, protocols, and declaration etc.  It is dedicated to ensuring all sorts of human rights for people through building awareness as well as monitoring and publishing human rights situation, helping destitute people and conducting advocacy with the government and other concerned authorities from home and abroad. HRSS also encourages the inclusion of common people in various human rights activities


HRSS works to build an equitable and just society through promoting, protecting and fulfilling Human Rights as well as inspiring people to acquire knowledge, skills and advocacy expertise on human rights.



  •   BTo create awareness of human rights among all classes of people especially, women, youth, minorities, and unprivileged people of the societies.     
  •   To uphold the principles of fundamental rights, namely the right to life, right to assembly and association, right to opinion, freedom from torture, arbitrary detention etc.
  •   To monitor the violation of human rights in general and take effective measures to stop such violations.
  •   To ensure the state obligation for protection and promotion of human rights; equality and non-discrimination irrespective of sex, language, place of residence, religion, or any other status and position.
  •   To assist governments or their non-governmental agencies to understand, the implications of Human Rights and its violations and take effective measures to protect such violations.     
  •   To organize and participate in seminars, workshop, discussion meetings and conferences nationally and internationally with a view to realizing the aims and objects of the society.
  •   To publish or assist in publishing journals, research papers, brochures, periodicals and other materials with a view to furthering the objectives of the society.