Legal Aid & Rehabilitation
Legal Aid & Rehabilitation
The aim of the HRSS Education and training program is to deliver the knowledge, skills and core competencies to local human rights defenders for mobilizing people in order to strengthen the social movement against human rights violations.
The following educational programs and activities—including curriculum development, contests, projects, campaigns and events—are inspiring people and catalyzing groups for human rights education throughout the country.
Human Rights Curriculum—HRSS is working to develop an education and training manual so that individuals can learn about human rights. These materials are also being used in seminar, workshop, study circles and others programs.
Human Rights Curriculum—HRSS is working to develop an education and training manual so that individuals can learn about human rights. These materials are also being used in seminar, workshop, study circles and others programs.
Art/Essay/Poetry Contests—HRSS arranges local, national or international art, essays, poetry, cartoon and drama competitions depicting human rights.
Youth Summits—HRSS organizes National, international and cyberspace meetings to discuss human rights and facilitate healthy interactions across borders and cultures. Translations—to make available Human rights materials easily, HRSS have been translated books, leaflets, documentaries into Bengali languages.

মায়ের জানাজায় ছাত্রলীগ নেতাকে হাতকড়া ও শিবির নেতাকে ডান্ডাবেড়ি পরানো মানবাধিকার লঙ্ঘন – এইচআরএসএস
গত ১০ ই ডিসেম্বর মানবাধিকার দিবসে ছাত্র আন্দোলনে নাশকতার এক মামলায় চুয়াডাঙ্গায় গ্রেপ্তার হওয়া নিষিদ্...
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